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                      Party history study , bearing in mind the "nine musts"!

                      On the morning of July 1, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech, looking back fondly on the CPC's century-long struggle to unite and lead the Chinese people to open up a great path, create a great cause, and make great achievements, revealing profoundly the source of the CPC's spirit and political character, and firmly indicating that the journey forward to continuously create new historical greatness and strive for greater glory. It firmly demonstrates the determination and confidence to continuously create new historical greatness and strive for greater glory on the way forward.

                      This important speech of the General Secretary is permeated with the worldview and methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, and puts forward a series of new major ideas, viewpoints, and assertions, which is a political manifesto and program of action to inspire the whole Party and people of all ethnic groups to march towards the second hundred-year goal.

                      (I) "Nine Musts"

                      "By learning from history, we can know the rise and fall."

                      "We should use history to reflect reality and look into the future from a distance, to see clearly from the CPC's century-long struggle why we were able to succeed in the past, and to figure out how we can continue to succeed in the future."

                      At the conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward the fundamental requirement of "nine musts" to learn from history and create the future. These "nine musts" reveal the profound truth of why we have been successful in the past and how we can continue to be successful in the future, and will surely inspire the whole Party to be more determined and conscious of its original mission and create a better future on the new journey.

                      --Must adhere to the strong leadership of the CPC.

                      --Must unite and lead the Chinese people to continuously strive for a better life.

                      --Must continue to promote the Chineseization of Marxism.

                      --Must adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics.

                      --Must accelerate the modernization of national defense and the military.

                      --Must continuously promote the building of a community of human destiny.

                      --Must carry out great struggles with many new historical characteristics. a

                      --Must strengthen the great unity of Chinese children.

                      --Must keep pushing forward the new great project of Party building.

                      (II) Learning from History and Pioneering the Future

                      1. To learn from history and create the future, we must adhere to the strong leadership of the CPC.

                      "The key to doing a good job in China lies in the Party."

                      The General Secretary emphasized, "On the new journey, we must adhere to the overall leadership of the Party, constantly improve the Party's leadership, enhance the 'four consciousnesses', firmly establish the 'four self-confidence', achieve the 'two safeguard', keep in mind the 'greatness of the country', constantly improve the Party's level of scientific, democratic and legal governance, and give full play to the Party's central role of leadership with an overall view and coordination of all parties!"

                      2. Learning from history and creating the future, we must unite and lead the Chinese people to continuously strive for a better life.

                      "The rivers and mountains are the people, the people are the rivers and mountains, fighting and defending the rivers and mountains, defending the hearts of the people."

                      The General Secretary emphasized, "On the new journey, we must rely closely on the people to create history, adhere to the fundamental tenet of serving the people wholeheartedly, stand firm on the people's position, implement the Party's mass line, respect the people's spirit of initiative, put into practice the people-centered development ideology, develop people's democracy in the whole process, safeguard social justice, and make efforts to solve the problems of unbalanced and insufficient development and the the people's urgent problems and hopes, and promote the comprehensive development of people and the common prosperity of all people to make more obvious and substantial progress!"

                      3. Learning from history and creating the future, we must continue to promote the Chineseization of Marxism.

                      "Marxism is the fundamental guiding ideology of our party and country, the soul and flag of our party."

                      The General Secretary emphasized, "On the new journey, we must adhere to Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Important Thought of the 'Three Represents' and the Scientific Outlook on Development, comprehensively implement the ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era, and adhere to the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with China's concrete realities Combine the basic principles of Marxism with the concrete realities of China, combine them with the excellent traditional Chinese culture, use Marxism to observe the times, grasp the times, and lead the times, and continue to develop contemporary Chinese Marxism and 21st-century Marxism!"

                      4. Learning from history and creating the future, socialism with Chinese characteristics must be adhered to and developed.

                      "Going our own way is the Party's entire theoretical and practical foothold, and even more so, the Party's historical conclusions drawn from a century of struggle."

                      The General Secretary emphasized, "On the new journey, we must adhere to the Party's basic theory, basic line and basic strategy, push forward the 'five-in-one' overall layout and coordinate the 'four comprehensive' strategic layout, comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, base ourselves on the new stage of development, implement the new development concept completely, accurately and comprehensively, build a new development pattern, promote high-quality development, advance scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement, and ensure that the human

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